Ian De La Cruz Blog

Who Am I

Hi. I am Ian De La Cruz, a freelance web developer from the Philippines. I am accepting freelance work alongside my undergraduate studies at Ateneo De Manila University, where I am taking up a major in Computer Science.

I have been developing for a few years now, with experience in JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and Java. Frameworks that I work with include: Angular 1, React, Rails, Django, Flask, Ionic, and Node. As much as I am a Javascript developer, I will write about using other languages like Python and Ruby. If I do find something interesting, I might even include some PHP into my posts.

This blog, as it currently stands, is my attempt at sharing what I have stumbled upon while developing my projects, personal or otherwise. These discoveries, if you will, are those things that take 2–3 hours of your time scouring Google and StackOverflow for answers. Or, it may just be those things that I found interesting that didn’t necessarily make itself obvious in the library documentation.

The goal is to be able to release every week. These articles will be anything on the web development stack, from UI to the back-end. I know that my code MAY not be the most optimal, but these are things that may be of help to any developer. This is my way of giving back to the community.

I have found blogs to be truly helpful in understanding a lot of concepts. Even for my academic requirements, blogs offer great tutorials and discussion points on topics. This is what made me want to write a blog. I want to help people out.